Facility Use

The official use of SRJC facilities requires a confirmed reservation in the Event Management System (EMS). All SRJC sites have site-specific preferences and limitations around services, including room availability, layouts, and times for events. Please check with Student Life or staff at your requested facility for site-specific information and requirements.

SRJC Santa Rosa and other District Sites:

  • For support with room reservations and EMS, please contact Sarah Martin at smartin3@santarosa.edu.
  • For any questions related to permits, forms or logistic support, please contact Javier Rodriguez at jrodriguezaguilera@santarosa.edu.
  • Due to all the construction going on in our Santa Rosa campus please observe additional care and caution when walking or driving around construction areas.

SRJC Petaluma:

Campus Services & Equipment

Please note that with the increase of On-Campus events more activities require support from Campus Services, including Media Services, Custodial Services, District PoliceFacilities OperationsGrounds and Warehouse; Please contact them in advance to confirm the support you need for your event. Campus services cannot guarantee day-of support for your event without prior arrangements and confirmation, and late requests are more likely to incur charges to cover the unscheduled services provided.

  • The District may require additional personnel (such as security, custodial, technical, or other Campus Services staff) to support an event, as needed. 
  • Depending on the time/day of the event, personnel costs may be incurred. Weekend and after-hour events that require Campus Services or staff are more likely to incur additional costs. 

Custodial Services:

  • Custodial Services provides set up and break down for event spaces, provides custodial services following the event, and supports removing any unwanted tables, chairs, or equipment from the event space.
  • Custodial Services requires a setup diagram so they can arrange the event space as you envisioned it. There is a space on the event application for you to upload a diagram for your event and a space for you to give a description of the setup, and we ask that you provide as much detail as possible to ensure a proper setup for your event. 
  • Custodial Services can provide canopies for events on a first-come, first-serve basis. Canopies are limited and Custodial Services cannot guarantee there will be enough canopies available for an event, especially when there are multiple outdoor events scheduled on the same day.
  • We recommend speaking directly with the Manager - Custodial Services, Mengistab Gebre, at (707) 494-0778 to confirm Custodial Services support for your event.

Parking Services:

Media Services:

  • Media Services provides various media equipment, including microphones, hybrid meeting support, and audio visual support for your event.

SRJC Warehouse:

  • The SRJC Warehouse can provide equipment and furniture that are stored in warehouse locations across the District for events. All requests for Warehouse services can be made to Solomon Ghebretensae, 707-521-7964.
    • Please contact the warehouse at least two weeks in advance of an event to schedule the delivery and pickup of furniture and/or equipment.
    • For an up-to-date inventory or to make a request for available equipment and furniture, please contact the Warehouse directly.
  • The SRJC Warehouse can provide tables and chairs for outdoors events. 
  • The warehouse does not provide round tables or canopies.
    • Round tables have to be rented for events requiring them, and it is the event planner’s responsibility to budget for this expense.
    • A limited supply of canopies are available by request with Custodial Services.

SRJC District Police:

  • District Police schedules the college's electronic door lock system, CCURE. Approved events will be forward to District Police for scheduling, but we recommend following up with District Police to ensure the correct doors are unlocked for your activity.
    • We recommend including setup time in your reservation, to better ensure the doors are unlocked in time for you to prepare the space.
    • Some buildings at the District are not connected to the electronic door lock system and need to be opened manually. If you are requesting a space that requires a hard key, we recommend connecting with District Police ahead of time, to ensure that someone can help ensure the room is unlocked.
    • If you arrive at a space for an approved event and the door is locked, find the specific door number and reach out to District Police (707-527-1000) to request assistance.
  • Parking permits and free parking can be arranged by special request to the SRJC Police Department by calling 707-527-1000 or emailing Amber Oden, aoden@santarosa.edu.

Food & Refreshments

Having food and refreshments at an event is a great way to attract students. All food served at an SRJC event must be prepared in a certified commercial kitchen and in observance of all applicable food safety laws. Food or refreshments that do not meet the food safety or commercial kitchen requirements (such as homemade items) are not allowed to be served at District events. 

JC Fresh Delights provides on-site dining and catering services, and has the first right of refusal for providing catering services for events at SRJC Santa Rosa. Any services provided by an outside vendor that includes delivery, setup, service, and/or clean-up related to food/refreshments is considered catering and must comply with the District's contract agreement with JC Fresh Delights.  

  • If you would like to coordinate catering services with JC Fresh Delights for your event, please contact Food Service Manager, Jenny Chhay, directly at (707) 503-9981 or srjccatering@gmail.com
  • If you plan to have an outside vendor provide catering services (Service that includes delivery, setup, service, and/or clean-up related to food/refreshments) as part of your event you will need to request approval by submitting a waiver to Jenny Chhay. Events that use outside catering services will not be approved by the District until a completed waiver is received.
    • Certificates of Insurance are required for any independent contractor or commercial vendor operating on the SRJC campuses (including catering).
    • Outside vendors must have an approved health permit, commercial certification, and must observe all applicable food safety laws.
  • You may purchase food from outside vendors without receiving a waiver if JC Fresh Delights cannot match a similar product (like-for-like not based on perceived quality) catering quote within a five percent (5%) buffer.
    • If JC Fresh Delights can offer the items you want to serve at your event, then you should always request a quote from them first.
    • To take advantage of this provision, you must request a quote from both JC Fresh Delights and an outside vendor to confirm that JC Fresh Delights costs are at least 5% higher.
  • If you are serving the food and refreshments at your event, safe food handling is essential. 
    • Please wear gloves and pull back long hair when serving food at an event. 
    • Please label food for allergies when possible.
    • All hot food & refreshments should be served less than 4 hours after they were originally prepared. 
  • Pre-packaged food that is purchased from an outside vendor or store should be served in original store packaging when possible.
  • Food and/or refreshments sold as a fundraiser may have sales tax deducted when the proceeds are deposited with the District.
    • Sales tax applies to the direct sale of certain food or refreshments and to any tickets or admission fees that include the cost of certain food or refreshments. 
      • Generally, sales tax applies to all sales of hot prepared food products unless otherwise exempt. "Hot prepared food products" is defined as food or refreshments which have been prepared for sale in a heated condition or are sold at any temperature which is higher than the air temperature of the room or place where they are sold. For more information on taxable food items, refer to the California Revenue and Taxation Code, Section 1603.
    • For fundraisers that include food and/or refreshments and a fee for entry, you are encouraged to specify how much of the fee will be used to cover food & refreshments so that you are only charged sales tax on the applicable portion.   
  • Food trucks require additional consideration and input from District Police to ensure they are safely located. Please include this Facility Use Form when applying to have food trucks at a Special Event.

Food Service Waiver


If you are planning an event or activity that requires travel off-site, an advisor will need to submit a travel request or field trip request to their supervising administrator for approval. Approved requests authorize the use of District funds for travel, but advisors are responsible for coordinating the travel logistics for the event or activity (such as lodging, airfare, ground transportation, meals, registration, etc). Depending on the activity, advisors and students may be required to complete additional forms before receiving approval. 

The most commonly used forms for District travel are listed below:

Advisor Travel Forms

Student Travel Forms

  • If you want to provide transportation to students for a District-sponsored activity, you must use a District vehicle or a rental vehicle.
    • SRJC employees and advisors are not allowed to transport students in personal vehicles.
  • In order to reserve and drive a District vehicle, an advisor must fill out the Driver Clearance Form and complete an online vehicle training course. 
    • Advisors can get access to the required training course through District Police by contacting Amber Oden, aoden@santarosa.edu.
    • Once an advisor has completed the online vehicle training course and been cleared by District Police, they will receive notice that they are permitted to reserve and operate a District vehicle.
  • Cleared Drivers may request a District vehicle by filling out a Vehicle Use Form for each request and submitting the form to Facilities in a ServiceDesk ticket. Attach a copy of the completed form to the ticket with the date of the reservation noted in the subject line.
    • There are a limited number of vehicles available and they are reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis. Facilities recommends a minimum of two weeks notice to reserve a District vehicle, but additional advance notice is highly recommended.
    • Departments will be charged for the mileage used on a District vehicle at a rate of 65.5 cents per mile.
    • Vehicles are not available on Mondays.
  • SRJC employees and advisors are not allowed to transport students in personal vehicles.
    • Students may travel in vehicles owned by the college but the vehicle must be driven by a driver who has been cleared by the District before travel. 
  • If a student chooses to drive their own vehicle to and from an off-site District activity, they must complete a liability waiver.
    • By signing the liability waiver, the student driver and their insurance policy takes full responsibility for any injuries or damages sustained during their travel to and from the District activity.
  • Ride-sharing apps can only be covered if included in the travel request forms as part of the District covered travel.
  • Any disciplinary or legal issues that arise during an off-site event or activity will be regarded as a student conduct issue and will be referred to the Senior Dean of Students. 

Invited Guests, Vendors, Contracts, & Insurance Requirements

  • Guests who perform a service for a district event or activity should be contracted for their services.
    • Visit the SRJC Purchasing department website for detailed information on the contract process.
    • Please be sure to provide your performer's information and bio in your event application.
  • Depending on the activity, performance, or service provided, guests may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance per the Professional Service Agreement used by SRJC. Insurance requirements are detailed on the Purchasing Website and in the Insurance Requirements Handout.
  • Event planners are required to notify the Office of the President if inviting or expecting elected officials to attend your event. 
  • SRJC requires vendors to get approval prior to operating on campus. Any for-profit vendor (anyone who sells merchandise or engages in service based businesses such as banks, phone companies, etc) are required to complete the Off Campus Vendor Application and receive approval before they setup on campus. This is required whether they are actively selling products on campus or providing students with information about their services.
    • The Off-Campus Vendor Application includes a fee of $75 per day or $250 for 4 days, and all funds generated with this program go directly to the Student Government Assembly to benefit SRJC students.
    • Any exemptions to this requirement, including the possible waiving of fees, must be approved by the Student Government Assembly. 

Funding & Fundraisers

  • An Event Application should be completed for any on or off campus fundraising event.
  • District fundraising is coordinated with the SRJC Foundation. Departments and programs who wish to fundraise should reach out to the SRJC Foundation directly for support. Student groups may also partner with the SRJC Foundation, but student-lead fundraisers require further approval by the Office of Student Life and their Advisor.
  • Student fundraising efforts require the approval of their Advisor and the Advisor, Student Accounts, Melissa Cowan - clubaccounts@santarosa.edu.
    • All Club financial records, deposits, checks and financial activity should be managed through the Advisor, Student Accounts and keep the club advisor in the loop.
    • Please notify the Advisor, Student Accounts if you plan to charge fees or fundraise at your event. We also have a cash box and digital payment.
  • All payments to vendors or suppliers for materials and services should go through the District. A W-9 is required from vendors requesting payment for a services. If payments are utilizing SRJC Foundation funds, the Request for Disbursement form must be submitted to the Development Associate, Business and Finance, along with the appropriate back-up.
    • Students should not be handing cash or checks to vendors.
  • Sales tax @ 9.00% will be deducted from deposit for sales of all material good (See's, Food Sales, T-Shirts, etc.).
  • Alcohol purchases are not permitted and cannot be reimbursed.
  • Drawings and raffles must follow the established process and timelines. Student Funds (club accounts, student government) may not be used for raffles.
  • The District can reimburse for the approved purchases of goods related to an event or activity, but cannot reimburse for individual services (training/performance/lecture); this must be done through a requisition in the District's accounting system, Escape. If payments are utilizing SRJC Foundation funds, the Request for Disbursement form must be submitted to the Development Associate, Business and Finance, along with the appropriate back-up.


  • The Office of Marketing & Communications can provide support with District communications to ensure a consistent look, feel and voice. They offer the following services to help promote and support college programs, activities and events:
    • Marketing, publicity & advertising: print, digital, broadcast radio, digital radio, and social media
    • Press releases and public service announcements
    • Graphic design for print and digital promotions
    • Graphic design guidelines and standards, color and logo use
    • Social media publicity, campaigns, paid advertising and consultation
    • Photography and access to photography archives
    • Campaign coordination: quotes, schedules, budgets, requisitions, invoices, basic reporting as requested
    • Website assistance such as photo suggestions, content, layout and URL, as needed
  • The Office of Student Life also provides outreach and promotional support for events and activities, to help event planners reach students across the District. This support is coordinated with the Student Communication Form, and gives you access to the following services: 
    • Student Life coordinates the Bearfacts Newsletter that's emailed to all students every week. The Bearfacts Newsletter is generally sent on Sundays, and any content for Bearfacts should be submitted by the end of day on Thursday to be included in the next issue.
    • Student Life also coordinates the distribution of flyers and promotional materials to the digital displays and screens across the District. To utilize all of the digital displays and screens to their full potential, we recommend creating promotional content in both portrait and landscape styles. These screens can display PDF, JPG, PNG, GIF, MOV, MP4, or PowerPoint files and work best with the following dimensions:
      • Horizontal/Landscape: 16:9 or 1920x1080
      • Vertical/Portrait: 9:16 or 1080x1920
    • Student Life also supports access to and posting on the MySRJCApp, including adding events and activities to the in-app calendar. If you would like to have an official account created for your program or department, contact Zack Miranda, zmiranda@santarosa.edu. These accounts give you 24/7 access to an online portal that allows you to make posts, create a public profile that details your services, and add to the app calendar on behalf of your department or program. Access to department or program accounts can be shared with multiple users, so a number of colleagues can share the responsibility of creating content on the app.

Resources & Support

  • Events that are connected to the classroom are more meaningful and successful. Student Life, Equity, and Engagement strongly encourages partnering with faculty to ensure events are supporting students' learning experience and outcomes.
  • Collaborating is an important part of any event and is strongly encouraged. It is important to define who is responsible for which aspects of the event.